Profile PictureNikolaos Baralos

The Diamond Healing of Divinity.

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The Diamond Healing of Divinity is a Superius Evolutionary Healing. Such type of healings are able to be done only once in one’s lifetime.

The Diamond Healing of Divinity is a complete existential showering with divine crystal codes which are produced through the Celestial Diamond-Light Ray. In the experience, one feels as if infinite tiny crystal diamonds shower the entire existence, while they go through one’s all elements and levels.

What is unique with this superius evolutionary healing, is that the work begins from the inside of one’s existence – in contrast with types of healings, to which energies originate from an exterior source point.

In the Diamond Healing one can experience the true power of the Creator. We all heard the phrase “Let there be Light”, which is said to be the origin point of all creation – the Word that God expressed, to manifest light out of nothing, into nowhere. But even if we understand this concept mentally, we do not feel it or know it as possible, because we do not have experience on such a thing – the manifestation of something, out of nothing.

The Diamond Healing is this missing experience. The birth of creation and the manifestation of the Light inside you, out of nothing. Without an external force, to trigger the process. We are speaking about pure inspiration. And since we lack this exact experience, we need to be triggered so to achieve realization and change, because we don’t allow to just be inspired.

We say things like God is inside us or “we are part of God”, but so rarely someone actually experiences these words as a state of being. Because indeed these two phrases are true, it is how it is possible to experience the birth of the Light out of nothing. Divinity is in you and you are in divinity. I could say more accurately, divinity is you and you are divinity.

In this superior form of healing, I act through my pure divinity. And because I do so – because I act as pure divinity, I can tap into divinity, everywhere it exists. It also is in you. And the divinity in me, acknowledges the divinity in you. I speak the Divine Word and the Diamond Crystal Codes manifest in you. As a sphere which holds inside the celestial light ray, which is born straight in the center of your existence’s center. Into the deepest point of your heart’s area, into the source of your intelligence. To where you as an existence begin to form and take shape, in there where you start to transform from energy to matter and create body. In there, I speak the Divine Word and the superior healing begins.

The codes are activated and step by step, the diamond crystal light emerges through every element of your existence, through all levels, through every cell of your living organism, through your soul, your mind and your spirit, until your entire Presence is enlightened, with the holy merging of divinity and of intelligence.

Although this entire process seems more similar to an attunement process, it is not. It is a healing, because it heals the separation of divinity and of intelligence. It is the awakening of the intelligence, and the realization that it is time, to step out of the dream world and enjoy the pure reality. Because indeed though we speak about codes, activation does happen, which is what merges divinity and intelligence, so you can experience a new state of being, that of divine intelligence.

After everything has been done and the healing is completed, the crystal codes surround your presence and cover you as a protective diamond cloak, which is the insurance, that oblivion will not be able to penetrate you again with its shadows, so to throw you back in the dream world of the unconscious mind. As the cloak’s essence is crystalline diamond, it is impenetrable. And as this essence is also illuminated – born straight out of the celestial light, it is also incorruptible.

This is a unique experience of healing, which provides awakening, enlightening, protection, realization, evolution, transformation and ascension. Seven acts, for your seven levels.

But this is only the beginning. Because the recording of such an experience, is the true realization of divinity and of its power to create. To create in form, that which the pure intelligence understands.

After this experience you will be able to walk a different way of life and according to the extent that you will want to know divinity, you will be able to know what it truly means, to live the metaphysical.

To help you in this, after the healing is completed, you will also receive an attunement via chi-ball, to the spiritual belonging - the "Holy Diamond of Supremacy". The Holy Diamond of Supremacy is a spiritual belonging that offers to an individual, access to the Celestial Plane of Existence. Its function is very simply. It keeps the Celestial Gate open for you ~ permanently.

Spiritual Belongings are acquired through the mastery of specific practices, abilities and virtues. They are granted to an individual, as a reward for one’s lifetime practice and as a recognition of one’s mastery over a specific apprenticeship.

With the purchase of this service, you will also receive a manual that offers information about chi-ball attunements, spiritual belongings and the Holy Diamond of Supremacy.

After buying this service you will receive information on how to contact me so we can schedule your healing session. The healing session lasts about 40 min. After the healing is done, i will send you the chi-ball attunement to the spiritual belonging, which you will be able to activate at your own timing. You will also receive a message from me, so I can share any insights or advices.

Author’s Disclaimer.

This is an energy healing service which is a result of the author’s personal experience and practice. It does not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. It does not replace medical treatment, psychological or psychiatric therapy. The author takes no responsibility for any outcome, as this writing is not facilitated by a medical professional. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult a licensed health care professional.

©All copyrights reserved. Nikolaos Baralos.

No part of the above text may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

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40 min energy healing session, 1 attunement to a spiritual belonging, manual of this service.

185 KB
11 pages
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The Diamond Healing of Divinity.

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