Profile PictureNikolaos Baralos

Ethereal Ceremonial Healing.

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The Ethereal Ceremonial Healing, as all Ceremonial Healings, can be performed only once in one’s lifetime and offers a unique experience of purification, which is empowered with psychic remembrance and divine protection.

Ether, is considered to be the 5th element of nature. Some, call ether, “The Akasha”, to refer to the energy that fills up space and in which all memory of everything is recorded. Although Akasha can be used to describe the etheric realm, it must not be confused with the element of ether, which produces an individual’s etheric body.

To say it simple, we could say that Akasha is the Etheric Body of creation. But it must be clear, that an individual’s etheric body is different than the Akasha.

Your ethereal source is located into your voice. Imagine your voice as a channel, which has a source at its beginning - which source births and produces the element of ether in your existence. Your heart, uses the element of ether, to structure your etheric body and so bring you in connection with creation’s ether ~ the Akasha, so you may be able to communicate with other beings and also be able to access all memories from all of your lifetimes.

Voice is what allows sound to be expressed. Sound is produced by vibrations and frequencies and sound uses ether to travel through, as it is the extension and the continual of your voice. The mind can translate vibrations to words and frequencies to colors, which is how we end up monitoring memories through our senses.

Some people are sensitive, as they have one of the highest levels of awareness ~ which creates a high level of sense and they can even hear other people’s thoughts, even from far away. They can feel intentions and sense feelings.

This type of sensitivity is usually given to one by the Creator, so this person can communicate with the higher realms and transmit divine knowledge, inspiration and teachings to the rest of the world.

But most people who have such a sensitivity and calling, struggle a lot, because besides the beauty of the higher realms, in their thought, their feelings and soul, they also perceive the cruelty of the lower dimensions.

If a sensitive person doesn’t know how to protect the self and allows the corruption of other people to enter into the channel of voice, it can even feel like the soul is being destroyed.

The Ethereal Ceremonial Healing, will remove all corruption from your ether’s source, purify your heart and your voice’s channel, it will restore, align and fully re-structure your etheric body, it will empower your element of ether and it will cut off all connections and chords with people and beings who either drain your essence of ether, or misuse their ether to corrupt yours. As a final step of this healing, you will receive a divine installation of Archangelic Symbols of Protection on your ether’s source, which shall expand in your voice’s channel, to your heart and all of your etheric body.

As peace will be restored in your source, you will have your free space to conduct your communication as you want. Your thought’s space will also be cleansed and purified, and your mind shall find tranquility, as you will not have to spend your days, occupying with people who think of you, trying to handle their energies or to protect yourself from their emotions and intentions.

The healing will also perform all necessary arrangements between your etheric body and the Akasha, so if and when you want to tap into it, you will do it safely and you will be protected, without having to interfere with anything or anyone that can cause hurt or corruption to you.

Because this is a ceremonial healing, after it is completed, you will also receive a unique divine attunement directly from the Creator, which shall provide you a unique help especially designed for you and your needs. (more information regarding this are provided with the purchase of the service)

This divine attunement will help you in remembering precious memories from your personal akashic records, so you can activate in this lifetime, some of your soul's special abilities, some of your unique spiritual belongings and some of your etheric capabilities, all of which have been acquired by you in other lifetimes, through your mastery over specific apprenticeships. Remembrance, will manifest instant re-activation.

After buying this service you will receive information on how to contact me so we can schedule your healing session. The healing session lasts about 40 min. After the healing is done, you will also receive a message from me, so I can share any insights or advices.

Author’s Disclaimer.

This is an energy healing service which is a result of the author’s personal experience and practice. It does not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. It does not replace medical treatment, psychological or psychiatric therapy. The author takes no responsibility for any outcome, as this writing is not facilitated by a medical professional. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult a licensed health care professional.

©All copyrights reserved. Nikolaos Baralos.

No part of the above text may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

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40 min energy healing session.

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Ethereal Ceremonial Healing.

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