Profile PictureNikolaos Baralos

The Lightworker Ceremonial Healing.

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The Lightworker Ceremonial Healing, is able to be applied only once in one’s lifetime – as it happens with all Ceremonial Healings. The Lightworker Ceremonial Healing, is created so to offer a complete existential and restorative balance, on all 3 energy channels – function, purpose and wisdom, between spiritual and physical realms.

It is a lightworker’s most common sign, to experience a general struggle with almost all matters of the physical world and perhaps in all areas of the physical life.

The reason for why this happens, is because lightworkers experience divine function, in their energy channel of function. But because most lightworkers do not receive the appropriate education regarding this unique state of function, as well as they don’t receive the appropriate preparation regarding this physical world and life, they tend to confuse, spiritual and physical realms, as they don’t actually know, how to live in a human world, while they operate with a divine function.

This brings the effect that most lightworkers actually block the divine energy and do not allow it to move from the channel of function to that of purpose, so they can act physically and discover their own unique way of being, which eventually will lead them to acquire wisdom.

As a lightworker, it is only through your purpose, that you will find wisdom. You can receive lots of education, but if you want wisdom, then you must act upon your purpose. And as a lightworker you must want wisdom, because it is the energy channel which defines the state of your precious heart. And as lightworker, to act on your purpose, you must embrace, your own unique function – the divine function.

The struggle for a lightworker presents in the level confusion. A lightworker perceives life differently than other people. Because perception is defined by one’s function. So, lightworkers, perceive life, their self, the world and its things, through a divine perspective.

The confusion occurs, when they do not experience the same as with that which they perceive. They experience what all people experience. Because experience is defined by the being, which being, right now is expressed in a human form, and lightworker or not, all people are human beings.

Divine function, can give you an insight and allow you to perceive that love is the only truth and that you shall love all who present to you. Human experience, can be painful and make you know, that regardless of the divine truth, humans can choose lies and that experience, creates many different feelings and states of being other than love, such as fear, anger, hate, frustration and much more.

And hence, the actual struggle. The lightworker does not struggle with the world, or life, or other people. A lightworker struggles with the self. A lightworker is caught in the middle of perception and experience, struggling between function and wisdom, right and left, which eventually tires one so much, that leaves no pure essence, no vital energy, no courage and strength, to occupy with purpose.

It is not a choice that you can do between two things. You cannot choose what you will believe or trust and follow. Because you cannot separate your own existence. And if you choose one side, you will hurt your own self. It is not choosing between divine function or human experience. It is about allowing to your divine function to form human experience. To shape it and to be expressed through it.

Whatever you have been taught which does not serve your own way of function, will be removed. Whatever block you have set to your way of function, out of fear or lack of proper knowledge, will be removed. Whatever damage has been caused by you or others in your way of function, will be restored. Whatever struggle has been presented in your being and in your life by the above, will be eliminated.

The healing will allow proper function to be in place – as it is supposed to be, so your divinity can be channeled through your entire existence and so it can flow naturally, simply and effortlessly.

As balance will take place, it will become easier and easier to stop worrying and just act on your purpose. To raise wisdom, regarding all matters and areas of life. It will become easier to understand and know your own self, not only from a spiritual perspective of what you are and can do, but also from a human perspective, so you can know what you experience, what are your needs, what are your feelings and your will.

In the Lightworker Ceremonial Healing, limitations upon divinity will be removed. The Celestial Realm will cover your entire existence, not only your channel of function. It’s not just a part of you. It is in abundance, for you. Through the restoration of your existential state, the divine truth that you perceive in function, will instantly become a complete existential experience.

After this has been done, I will direct the Divine Ray of Transcendence upon your Presence, so your individuality may be redeemed and liberated. This will feel like the total light of the sun, showering your presence and flowing through it, as an instant purification.

From then on, you shall be free to realize, that you should not impose limitations, to what which by its definition, is in abundance. And then freely, you shall experience this divine abundance, in the things that you want to experience it, as you will function through your purpose.

Through this entire correction of right and left, function will harmonize with purpose. Understanding will harmonize with acting. Struggles, will transform to wisdom and there shall be the establishing of balance, between give and take, so there shall be no more exploitation of your spirit. Take, from the perspective to move on, realize that you must act upon your purpose and take that which is yours to take and take from the perspective to receive, when you are offered.

I hope that this service will be of true help to you – if you decide to choose it and that it will allow you to find peace, between all things of the spiritual and of the physical realms.

Divine Blessings.

Because this is a ceremonial healing, after it is completed, you will also receive a unique divine attunement directly from the Creator, which shall provide you a unique help especially designed for you and your needs. (more information regarding this are provided with the purchase of the service)

After buying this service you will receive information on how to contact me so we can schedule your healing session. The healing session lasts about 40 min. After the healing is done, you will also receive a message from me, so I can share any insights or advices.

Author’s Disclaimer.

This is an energy healing service which is a result of the author’s personal experience and practice. It does not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. It does not replace medical treatment, psychological or psychiatric therapy. The author takes no responsibility for any outcome, as this writing is not facilitated by a medical professional. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult a licensed health care professional.

©All copyrights reserved. Nikolaos Baralos.

No part of the above text may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

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40 min energy healing session.

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The Lightworker Ceremonial Healing.

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