Sacred Love Reiki.

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Hello, and welcome to the “Sacred Love Reiki” course.

My name is Nickolas Mparalos, and I will be your guide throughout this course, in an experience which I hope to offer you an exploration of the essence of Love, in all of its wondrous expressions.

“Sacred Love Reiki” is an original upgrade Reiki level and the entire system is channeled through my communication with the Ascended Masters ~ the Chohans of the Seven Rays.

The purpose of this upgrade is to provide you with a deep understanding of the Sacred Energy that lies inside the inner center of the Heart and how this energy can be used for self-healing, self-realization, and mastery of one’s self. We may refer to this Sacred Energy as the energy of purified love, and in this course, I will explain how this energy is created within us and the miracle which occurs when the energy of pure love is combined with Reiki.

Furthermore, I will explain the function of this energy and the 3 states of its transformational process. Furthermore, in this Reiki upgrade, you will also receive a new Master Symbol, which carries deep, ancient knowledge and it’s especially designed for self-mastery.

Through the course, you will also find guided meditations,

  • to help you obtain awareness of the sacred energy in all of its states,
  • to help you explore the sacred space of your inner heart
  • and a guided meditation for your self-healing period, which you will be able to use daily.

Through the teachings of “Sacred Unity,” you shall receive knowledge from the Creator regarding the sacred unity of human, celestial and cosmic presences. This first course is your preparative step, and it will mainly focus on providing you with an awakening of your own sacred energy and an upgrade on your energy healing abilities.

I hope to see you inside the course, and if yes, I hope that you will enjoy every moment of learning!

Divine Blessings.

Watch a sample video of the course's content through the link below:

Sacred Love Reiki Sample Video.

Title of Music used in Meditations is “In Spiritus” by “Christopher Lloyd Clarke”. Licensed by “Enlightened Audio”.

Author’s Disclaimer.

The content of this course/manual is a result of author’s personal experience and practice. It does not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. It does not replace medical treatment, psychological or psychiatric therapy. The author takes no responsibility for any outcome, as this writing is not facilitated by a medical professional. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult a licensed health care professional.

©All copyrights reserved. Nikolaos Baralos.

No part of this course and manual may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

All of my work is dedicated to the Creator, the Angels
and the people of this world who wish to be in union with the Divine.

Divine Blessings.

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2 hours video lessons, manual of the course, 1 unique attunement, certificate of completion.

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Sacred Love Reiki.

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