Profile PictureNikolaos Baralos

Space-Time Ceremonial Healing.

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The Ceremonial Healing of time and space is a multi-dimensional synergetic ritual, of the 2 attractive universal powers, which establishes complete liberation of the instinctive function, while it eliminates once and for all karmic perception.

This Ceremonial Healing Ritual, is a one way ticket to your spiritual freedom. As all Ceremonial Healings, it can be done only once in one’s lifetime.

Karma, affects space. Instinct, affects time. Together, they both affect Presence. Karma and instinct are the primal roots of every wrong in an individual’s life.

The fact that you should trust your instinct, doesn’t mean that you should function from instinct. And the fact that you should care for your karma, doesn’t mean that you should perceive from karma.

Both karma and instinct express an effect which resembles attraction, but if you pay close attention to what is that you feel by their effect, you will realize that it is not attraction – it is absorption. They both, pull you in, into an abyss of an unconscious mind, just like a black hole in the universe, devours all creation. And indeed, karma and instinct devour your Presence.

The two attractive powers of the universe, are those of the Divine Love and of the Transcending Light. Divine Love, affects space, and it constitutes the medicine for Karma, while Transcending Light, affects time, and constitutes the medicine for Instinct.

Instinct, should be trusted, because it carries knowledge from all of your ancestral lines. We are talking about a big quantity of information. But because instinct is primary connected with the being – if you function from it, you will only experience an animalistic behavior.

Karma, should be taken care of, because it carries lessons from all incarnations of all of your ancestral lines. And at this point, because the concepts of time and space open up to the multi-dimensional effect of the multiverse, the big quantity of information, becomes simply uncontrollable and overwhelming. Karma is connected with your intelligence – and if you perceive from it, you will only feel and think in a way that is determined and pre-considered, by the ones who lived before you.

Behold. For we have the chance to live as Kings and Queens. But to be like this, we must stop our consciousness from collecting life from karma and instinct. We must re-evaluate, and change our way of being and of thinking. We must let our consciousness collect its life from divine love and the transcending light, so we can stop function and behave in an animalistic pre-conditioned way, and step into the true human Presence.

Humanity, is the most powerful essence in all existence, because it is the true result of the two universal powers. It is the synergy of the divine love and of the transcending light, expressed in wisdom and simplicity. Wisdom, is of God. Simplicity, is of human. United, they form Humanity.

This multi-dimensional healing, will disengage all the connections that your consciousness has acquired with all the karma and instinct that flow from all the incarnations of all of your ancestral lines.

And I know that for some this might seem strange or even fearful, out of the thought that you will lose, that on which you rely – the unconscious knowledge. But I challenge you, to spend 5 minutes of conscious effort and reflect. Isn’t this unconscious knowledge, the true root of all of your problems? Isn’t this which you rely upon, your true problem? Isn’t this the simple meaning of the story of Adam and Eve? The consuming of the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

Pay close attention to your thinking and realize, that every time you have tapped into karma and instinct, you have become a slave of the unconscious knowledge. And it is why, this healing is the way to freedom. And the restoration of your sanity – that you should only rely on your Creator.

For those who seek to reclaim this freedom and re-experience life, as purely as they did as children – before the corruption of time and space occurred, I invite you to join this service. For those who seek freedom – to be themselves, for those who understand, that this life is theirs, that life belongs to you and you must live it as you – for those who understand that the knowledge of karma and instinct makes you be someone else because it belongs to someone else – for you, who wish to find repose, I welcome you to join this service and let the healing wonder manifest.

Because this is a ceremonial healing, after it is completed, you will also receive a unique divine attunement directly from the Creator, which shall provide you a unique help especially designed for you and your needs. (more information regarding this are provided with the purchase of the service)

After buying this service you will receive information on how to contact me so we can schedule your healing session. The healing session lasts about 40 min. After the healing is done, you will also receive a message from me, so I can share any insights or advices.

Author’s Disclaimer.

This is an energy healing service which is a result of the author’s personal experience and practice. It does not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. It does not replace medical treatment, psychological or psychiatric therapy. The author takes no responsibility for any outcome, as this writing is not facilitated by a medical professional. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult a licensed health care professional.

©All copyrights reserved. Nikolaos Baralos.

No part of the above text may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

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40 min energy healing session.

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Space-Time Ceremonial Healing.

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